The Green Dumpster Rental & Junk Removal Service in Columbus, OH

Locally Owned Residential & Commercial Containers For Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

614-258-FROG(3764) Order Now

The Green Dumpster Rental & Junk Removal Service in Columbus, OH

Locally Owned Residential & Commercial Containers For Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers


  • Garbage Man Day

    Did You Know? National Garbage Man Day is celebrated the week of June 17th! The world would be a disgusting place without a garbage man around. Over the years, people either burned, buried, tossed over the shoulder, or fed garbage to animals. Many cities became buried in filth and disease and it became necessary to do something about the debris. That’s when garbage men came into play! Garbage...

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  • Top 5 Reasons To Hire A Professional Dumpster Service

    When it comes to the task of cleaning out and moving unwanted junk from our homes, no one is ever standing up jumping for joy to do the job. We often just keep putting it off until there is so much junk that our homes are nearly unusable anymore. We’re here to tell you: you don’t have to do it alone, we will help! We will even give you a bunch of great reasons to hire Frog Hauling to transport...

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  • After Party Clean Up

    How do students spell graduation? P-A-R-T-Y. That’s right Columbus, it’s summer party season! Weddings, retirements, graduations, and family reunions are upon us and that means several months of nonstop parties. And what happens after the party? Okay, yes…the after party. After the after party? A BIG mess to clean up. That’s why Frog Hauling needs to be on the guest list at every big bash...

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  • Where Have All The Garbage Men Gone

    Garbage trucks come in all different shapes and sizes. An average garbage truck can hold about 20 tons or so of garbage before heading back to the transfer station. That’s a heavy load! However, the garbage truck as we know it could be on its way out. With increasing worker’s compensation cases involving garbage workers, stricter environmental protection laws, and improving technology, the...

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  • Clear Out The Clutter And Clear Your Mind

    Are you having trouble getting rid of things cluttering up around the house? Has your home turned into a collector’s dream? Do you have closets you can’t even open anymore in fear of what might fall out? It might be time for a good dose of decluttering. Clutter is actually proven to increase stress levels. …so although it’s hard to part with that letter jacket from high school or that...

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  • Treat Mom To A Green Bite This Mother's Day

    Are you taking Mom out for dinner this Mother’s Day? Looking for greener options when it comes to eating out? Treat yourself and your Mom to something fresher with a meal at one of these great health-conscious, organic restaurants around Columbus this weekend. Four Greener Restaurants Zpizza Mom doesn’t want a greasy slice of pizza topped with week-old veggies this Mother’s Day. Instead,...

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  • Kissing College Goodbye

    College students can spend their entire college careers collecting an assortment of items. Dorm rooms, college apartments or frat houses can start looking (and smelling) like dumpsters come April or May. College life is messy. When the end of the year comes around, students are more concerned about finding a job or dreading moving back in with Mom and Dad than they are about cleaning up the mess...

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  • School's Out...Now What?

    With the last day of school coming up for students across the country, excitement, goodbyes, summer plans, and….LOTS of items are brought home from school to clutter your home. Many parents are thinking what can I do with all of the extra school items? Here are a few helpful suggestions when it comes time to purge your home of all the extra supplies: Box Up The Good Stuff Consider creating a...

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  • Get Inspired This Weekend At The Columbus Home Improvement Show

    Are you in the middle of a renovation project or just about to start one? Get inspired this weekend at the Columbus Home Improvement Show to do incredible things with your home! The 3-day event kicks off this Friday, April 15th at the Greater Columbus Convention Center and will run through Sunday, April 17th. The weather is going to be beautiful, so get moving and get to the show! Big Weekend In...

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  • Dumpster Bags Might Leave You Short

    Homeowners across the nation are becoming more and more empowered with DIY home improvement projects. However, the amount of garbage and debris from even the smallest remodeling project is easily underestimated. It’s easily thought that a dumpster bag from the big box home improvement store will take care of such a project only to find it comes up a bit short. While some applications may be...

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