The Green Dumpster Rental & Junk Removal Service in Columbus, OH

Locally Owned Residential & Commercial Containers For Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

The Green Dumpster Rental & Junk Removal Service in Columbus, OH

Locally Owned Residential & Commercial Containers For Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

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Share The Joy Of A Dumpster Rental

Mini Dumpsters Columbus OhioWhen it comes to dumpster rentals, many consumers do not even consider it as an option because of the potential costs and also because they just do not think they have enough junk to fill one. Why not band together with a few neighbors and share a dumpster rental to do a massive neighborhood clean-out. Just like we have neighborhood garage sales, why not a neighborhood clean-up? By sharing the costs and size, a dumpster rental from Frog Hauling can be an awesome way to spend a Saturday getting to know your neighbors a little better, while everyone comes away with a cleaner basement, yard, attic, etc. Consider the following common uses for dumpsters, and again, don’t worry if you don’t think you have enough junk to fill one alone….join together with your neighbors, family, or friends. You can even turn it into a party!

Whole House Clean-Outs

Who doesn’t have excess junk in their home? Chances are there are plenty of things lying around your house that you just don’t use, just don’t need, or just plain don’t like. With a dumpster rental from Frog Hauling, you will have a mini roll-off dumpster ranging from 6-20 cubic yards delivered to your driveway, and then the fun begins. You and your neighbors can start loading it up with as much junk as you can find in your homes combined. Make it fun! See who can make a shot into the dumpster from farthest away. Have a contest to see which neighbor produces the most junk or, better yet, which neighbor has the strangest junk! At the end of the day, you will all have cleaner, less cluttered homes and you will probably have some funny stories to remember at the next block party.

Storm / Natural Disaster Debris

When a big storm hits, the damage is usually not isolated to just one house on the street. Fallen trees, damaged roofs, and other yard debris are frequently scattered throughout entire neighborhoods. This is a perfect time to join together with your neighbors, share the cost of a Frog Hauling dumpster, and work together to clean up your neighborhood following a storm or other natural disaster. The biggest battle of storm cleanup is figuring out where to put all of the debris you pick up. A Frog Hauling dumpster solves that problem and provides a convenient, easily accessible dump site for the entire neighborhood. Having a collective dumpster and working concurrently on the same project, the work gets done faster and easier. We all get by with a little help from our friends (and neighbors)!


Have you ever noticed how one “for sale” sign goes up on a street and several more tend to follow? Neighborhoods tend to go through cycles-one generation moves on and another takes over. Why not use moving as another way to group together with other neighbors in the same boat and share a Frog Hauling dumpster to get ready for that big move? It is a proven fact that houses that are less cluttered tend to sell faster and for higher prices. Get rid of excess junk and garbage in your home before you put it on the market, and encourage other neighbors wanting to sell to do the same thing. The end result: higher sale prices for all of you and higher property values for your neighbors sticking behind.

Construction / Renovation Debris

Keeping up with the Joneses is hard to do. When you see a neighbor putting in a new kitchen it instantly makes you wonder if yours is in need of a face lift too. Renovation projects tend to spread like the flu. Join forces with other neighbors possibly going through renovation projects at the same time as you, and share a dumpster rental to get rid of excess construction debris. No need to have old toilets, sinks, and bathtubs lining the streets on garbage day. Share the cost and space of a dumpster rental and easily eliminate this debris in an organized, efficient manner.

Party Clean-Up!

Now that you have so many ways to assemble with your neighbors for the greater good, chances are your next block party is going to be rocking! Why not use a Frog Hauling dumpster as the centerpiece of your next party? Nobody wants to clean up cans, cups, plates, party hats, and whatever other party debris is left over the next day. Just remind guests to toss it all into the dumpster on their way out and the job is made effortless. Frog Hauling will come heave it away while you are left with just the memories of an unforgettable party.

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