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Recycled Coffee Beans Are Newest Biodiesel Fuel

recycled coffee as fuelRecycled coffee beans are the newest source of biodiesel fuel. Researchers at the University of Nevada and the University of Cincinnati have developed a process of extracting oil from the used coffee grinds and converting it into biodiesel fuel.

Alternative Energy Sources

The search for alternative fuel sources is nothing new. Biofuels are highly touted for reducing carbon emissions. Popular sources are soybeans and corn. These foods are also in high demand. This places additional cost and economic strain on their use.

Used coffee grounds are abundant and reduce landfill.

Worldwide coffee growth is estimated at around 16 billion pounds per year. Most of the used grounds make their way into landfills. The U.S. alone deposits nearly 1 million tons each year. Thus, the source of the fuel is already being created, and this method would greatly reduce the amount of waste deposited into landfills. In addition, the extraction process is relatively inexpensive.

Ongoing research is being conducted to improve the efficiency of the process and make it operational on a large scale. Frog Hauling congratulates these and all researchers working to make a cleaner world for future generations.

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