The Green Residential and Commerical Mini Dumpster Service

Locally Owned & Operated Serving Columbus Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

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The Green Residential and Commerical Mini Dumpster Service

Serving Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

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Picking Up The Pieces After A Storm

Birds are chirping in the morning, the grass is greening up, and there is a certain smell in the air that lets us know that we have finally turned the corner towards spring. It’s a wonderful time of year! With all of the good going around, it’s important to remember that with spring also comes potentially damaging storms and severe weather.

Post – Storm Clean Up

Picking up the pieces after severe storm hits is not always easy. Homes can be damaged, often requiring months of work to repair. Yards are often left with scattered tree limbs and other debris. There can be emotional trauma if a significant storm such as a tornado or flood has impacted your home and family. Frog Hauling can help to ease the burden of moving on and cleaning up after a damaging storm**.**

By delivering a cost-effective, convenient roll-off dumpster right to your home, we are providing a simple method of debris removal. Getting rid of damaged materials or debris is much less complicated with a central dumping spot located right in your driveway. When you have filled the dumpster and eliminated the storm debris from your home and yard, just call us and we will take the refuse away, helping leave your home without any trace of the storm that passed.

What To Do After Damaging Weather

There are a few tips that will help immediately following a storm during the cleanup process:

  1. Take pictures of the damage to your home and surrounding property immediately. These pictures may be useful in a homeowner’s insurance claim that could follow.
  2. Get rid of standing water in the home immediately, as this could potentially cause significant structural damage to your home. You can contact a restoration company that deals with flooding or attempt to do the job on your own if there is minimal water.
  3. A dehumidifier and/or fan will be beneficial to circulate air after water has been removed. You do not want the air to be too moist, as this can encourage mold growth.
  4. Check out the roof for signs of damage. You may want to hire a professional roofing contractor to inspect your roof following a storm, as damage is often not obvious on the first inspection by an untrained professional. Also, roof damage caused by a storm is often covered by homeowner’s insurance, so you will want to know if you have any immediately.
  5. Enlist the help of friends and family to aid in the cleanup process. If a storm has caused significant damage to your home, chances are it is going to be a big job to clean it up. Having a brigade of helpers will make the job less daunting.

Storms happen. It is a fact of life, and chances are your home will be affected by severe weather at some point or another. If and when it does, Frog Hauling can help to speed up the cleanup process by providing an easily accessible disposal site for all of the debris that accumulates. We want to be there to lend a hand when you need it most!

After the next storm hits, call us first: (614) 258-FROG.

Posted in Green Business, Uncategorized