Affordable Junk Removal in Whitehall.
Beware of the “We Load It” Guys!
When someone does an internet search for junk removal services in the Whitehall, Columbus area, results often show companies that are junk loader / haulers. These companies don’t have any dumpsters, but are nationwide junk removal firms trying to tempt people into letting them load the trash and haul it away.
What they don’t tell you is the price for this service is typically more than double the rate of a comparably sized dumpster. While some people may require loading assistance, they should be made aware of the price differential. Paying the high school kid down the block $20 to help you sort and load your trash may be a much cheaper alternative if you require assistance.
Rent a Dumpster in Whitehall by calling (614) 258-3764 (FROG)
or clicking the link to contact us through this website.