The Green Dumpster Rental & Junk Removal Service in Columbus, OH

Locally Owned Residential & Commercial Containers For Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

The Green Dumpster Rental & Junk Removal Service in Columbus, OH

Locally Owned Residential & Commercial Containers For Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

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Green Columbus Promotes A Healthier Planet

How does Green Columbus help Ohio?

Green Columbus is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting a cleaner and healthier environment in Central Ohio and the rest of the globe. They raise awareness about problems facing our planet and promote strategies to overcome these challenges, utilizing the power of the people through social media outlets Facebook and Twitter and word of mouth. They also lead by example, initiating programs and encouraging others to take action.

Columbus OH Green Business

Earth Day 2012 Columbus, OH

Green Columbus also works to provide forums and organize events with goals of a cleaner environment. Join Green Columbus and other businesses, volunteers and like-minded individuals at the nation’s largest Earth Day volunteer effort. This year’s Earth Day celebrations offer volunteer opportunities April 14-15 at work sites around the region, cleaning up and planting new life into the areas. Businesses and individuals can also donate and sponsor the events or sites or spread the word by hanging posters and promoting the event online. The events culminate with a citywide celebration on April 21 at Columbus Commons. Join your friends and neighbors downtown for live music and a silent auction of art pieces submitted by local artists.

Columbus OH Earth Day

Posted in Carpentry Mess Up, Clean Up Columbus OH, Dumpster Blog, Green Business, Recycling Columbus