The Green Dumpster Rental & Junk Removal Service in Columbus, OH

Locally Owned Residential & Commercial Containers For Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

The Green Dumpster Rental & Junk Removal Service in Columbus, OH

Locally Owned Residential & Commercial Containers For Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

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Columbus Business Spotlight: Columbus Architectural Salvage

Columbus vintage home decor Working in Columbus's junk removal industry, you come across some interesting things. Sometimes, when a home or business is clearing out unwanted items from a building, some truly undiscardable artifacts are discovered.

Architectural and decor items that are unwanted, yet highly sought after. Hard-to-find, yet evidently ubiquitous. Local business, Columbus Architectural Salvage can tell you all about it!

Columbus Vintage Home Items

Columbus home antiques and salvage In Columbus, beautiful antique and vintage home decor items can be rare, yet all around us. A homeowner switches out their old furniture or cabinets. A remodeling company removes old fixtures or architectural features.

Historic, coveted, small and large household items are freeing up all the time, esoterically scattered all throughout the community.

If all these nearly-discarded items are also so very much sought after, wouldn't it be great if someone would just wrangle it all into one place for people to buy?

Columbus Architectural Salvage

Columbus Architectural Salvage The proprietor of Columbus Architectural Salvage, Chris Sauer knows this very well. Having worked as a self-employed carpenter, Sauer also served six years as the assistant historic preservation officer for the city of Columbus.

Sounds like he knows what he's doing!

Old house parts, foundry molds, statues, tools, windows, doors, hardware, urns and planters, lighting, chandeliers and lamps, woodwork and metalwork...

At Columbus Architectural Salvage you can find 10,000 square feet of unique, reclaimed house items ranging from the 1840s to the mid-20th century.

Upcycled Home Antiques and Artifacts

Columbus vintage home decor All nicely organized, the home decor items at Columbus Architectural Salvage are diverted from landfills and ready for reuse in decorating, renovation, and construction.

The store's sources are also mainly from within Ohio, making Columbus Architectural Salvage a great treasure trove for authentic Ohio heritage.

Check out the Columbus Architectural Salvage website for more info.

Posted in Central Ohio, Columbus, Dumpster Blog, Green Business, Junk Removal