The Green Residential and Commerical Mini Dumpster Service

Locally Owned & Operated Serving Columbus Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

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The Green Residential and Commerical Mini Dumpster Service

Serving Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

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Cold Weekend Stuck Inside? Add Value To Your Home!

2222122410_9f947a2ca6_bAs we head into February and the weather outside is still frightful, we are all just about tired of winter. We have completely exhausted all of the local restaurants and watering holes, maxed out our credit cards at Target, and witnessed almost every sporting event that has aired in the past two months. It’s time to do something productive. Why not take one of these cold weekends ahead and do something that will actually add value to your home AND give you a sense of accomplishment rather than gluttony? Try out some of these easy weekend DIY projects that can do just that.

1. New sink/faucet = fresh clean start:

For around $500 and a few hours you can easily replace a dirty, scratched kitchen sink and faucet and replace with a bright, fresh, clean new update. Kitchens and bathrooms ultimately sell houses, so if you intend to sell at some point in the future, chances are you are going to get most of this money back out. Added bonus, purchase an energy efficient faucet to save money on your water bill as well.

2. Splash your kitchen with style:

For a few hundred dollars and with a little patience you can add a new backsplash to your kitchen to make a big statement. Those that are super challenged in the home improvement department can even make it even easier by using peel and stick tiles. This is a great way to bump up the style in your kitchen with just a small investment.

3. Throw some color on the walls:

A gallon of paint is around $30 but the benefit pays far more than that. It is amazing what a transformation a room can take on with just a fresh color on the walls. Cover those crayon stains or scratches and give your room new life. A few hours and you will be amazed at what you will see.

4. Organize, organize, organize:

There are few households (if any) in the world that couldn’t use a little organization and de-cluttering. We are so overwhelmed by our own stuff that we can’t even hear ourselves think sometimes. With just a few hundred dollars in organization supplies like shelving and storage bins, we can take our homes from cluttered chaos to Zen in just a weekend.

5. Give yourself a new throne:

Toilets are gross. We change our toothbrushes every few months. Why not change our toilets (where things a lot worse than brushing our teeth take place) at least every few years or so? Because toilets fit over existing plumbing fairly easily, this is a relatively quick and easy project that will only cost about $200 or so. You can upgrade to a more energy efficient version too.

Don’t just sit around again this weekend. Go to your local home improvement store, get some supplies, and get to work. Once you finish your projects you are going to have a lot of garbage to get rid of. That’s where we come in. Frog Hauling will deliver a mini dumpster right to your driveway so you can toss it all away with ease. You tell us when to pick it up and you can consider the project done. With your elbow grease and our easy garbage removal services, together we will have your home looking fresh and new by spring! Here’s to hoping that is sooner rather than later.

Posted in Green Business, Uncategorized