We announced several weeks ago that we were planning to host a community cleanup on Oct 18th; then we spoke with Robert Seed at Keep Columbus Beautiful and he clued us in to how much Keep Columbus Beautiful has going on already. In order to maximize our effectiveness in the community we are moving our event date to OCT 25th, 2014 and joining the Pride on Parsons event hosted by Keep Columbus Beautiful.
Join the Frog Hauling Community Cleanup Team!
Frog Hauling is hoping you are fun and willing to join our Community Cleanup Team. Our first event will be taking part in the Keep Columbus Beautiful event “Pride on Parsons”, happening Oct 25, 2014. We then hope to take that momentum into next year and work as a team in the “Kick-Butt Columbus” clean-up in March.
Pride on parsons draws hundreds of volunteers each year. It’s sure to be a blast while being a great way to keep Columbus Awesome.
Gloves and cleanup tools are provided as well as a chili lunch and morning snacks.
Pride On Parsons event information.
Saturday, October 25, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (EDT)
Barack Recreation Center
580 Woodrow Ave
Columbus, OH 43207
If your awesome fill out this quick form to join the Frog Hauling Community Cleanup Team. Costumes are not necessary but costume wearers will receive free smiles people all day. We will call you and register you officially with Keep Columbus Beautiful as part of the Frog Hauling team.
Thank you.