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The Green Residential and Commerical Mini Dumpster Service

Serving Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

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Recycle Plastic Into Oil

Japanese inventor Akinori Ito working with the Blest Corporation has invented a portable machine that recycles plastic into its base element, OIL. In this video you will see the machine at work actively recycling plastic into oil (as well as Japan’s infamously beautiful Cherry Blossom trees).

Before we scream and yell and parade through the streets shouting that technology has saved us and we can go on using plastic containers once before we trash them, consider the full energy and eco impact of this recycling system. Basically, the machine uses heat to melt the plastic. How these temperatures are produced have to be factored into the overall carbon footprint of this machine. Do not get me wrong though, this invention demonstrates what is possible when we apply ourselves, this serves as a reminder of the triumph of human ingenuity when applied correctly. If nothing else we should remind ourselves how important it is to simply separate and recycle plastics at home and at work, keeping recyclable materials out of the landfill now will conserve materials that can be really useful in a generation or two when gas prices are extremely high, if there still is oil under the landfills.

Posted in Dumpster Blog, Recycling Columbus, Waste Management