The Green Residential and Commerical Mini Dumpster Service

Locally Owned & Operated Serving Columbus Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

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The Green Residential and Commerical Mini Dumpster Service

Serving Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

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National Association of the Remodeling Industry Central Ohio

nari central ohioWhat is NARI?
NARI stands for the National Association of the Remodeling Industry. With different branches across the country, Frog Hauling is proud to be a member of the NARI Central Ohio Chapter. Its mission is “to develop the premiere organization with integrity, that advances remodeling professional’s knowledge through education and industry involvement and serves as a trusted resource for consumers.”

Why trust NARI?

Posted in Dumpster Blog, Green Business