The Green Residential and Commerical Mini Dumpster Service

Locally Owned & Operated Serving Columbus Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

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The Green Residential and Commerical Mini Dumpster Service

Serving Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

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Join GreenSpot Columbus Today!

Want to help make Columbus, OH, a healthier environment? Join GreenSpot today! Register your home, business or community organization and get started. GreenSpot Columbus

By joining GreenSpot you are making a commitment toward improving Columbus. When you register your home, business or group you choose which green initiatives you would like to fulfill. Residents are to take several steps to conserve energy, conserve and protect water, and reduce, reuse and recycle materials around the house. In addition, businesses are to become compliant with all local and federal environmental regulations. Also, companies are asked to record all green efforts and encourage other businesses to join GreenSpot as well.

GreenSpot is part of the Get Green Columbus initiative started by Mayor Michael B. Coleman. GreenSpot is not limited to Columbus residents only. So join the more than 3,200 GreenSpot members and start making Columbus a greener community today!

Posted in Dumpster Blog, Green Business, Recycling Columbus