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The Green Residential and Commerical Mini Dumpster Service

Serving Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

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Frog Hauling Respects Free Speech

Free Speech for All

The first amendment guarantees the most basic and fundamental rights to all Americans. American flag columbus, ohAlong with freedom of religion and assembly, we as Americans are granted the right to free speech. This applies to all Americans, regardless of sex, race, creed, or economic or social standing.

Respect Others’ Rights

Most Americans are aware of their rights, especially when it comes to free speech. Many Americans practice this right every day. However, people seem to forget that freedom of speech applies to everyone. This means that even if you do not agree with what someone is saying, you have to respect their right to say it. We can’t simply tolerate others, for that implies that they are in some way wrong. We don’t have to embrace them, we don’t have to listen to them, but we must protect their right to express their point of view.

Everyone is Right, Everyone is Wrong

When we get in the game of shutting people up because we fear what they are saying we are walking dangerous ground. Whether it’s a person’s right to say that we need love in the world or a persons right to say that people need to toughen up; everyone has the right to express themselves. Frog Hauling supports the Right of Free Speech.

Now go get to work making your community a better place, a child a better reader, give an elder an ear, a working person a hand, get off the net and go outside.

Posted in Dumpster Blog