The Green Residential and Commerical Mini Dumpster Service

Locally Owned & Operated Serving Columbus Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

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The Green Residential and Commerical Mini Dumpster Service

Serving Homeowners, Remodelers, Builders, and Roofers

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Columbus, OH Trash Hauling Reminder App

Trash hauling app columbus ohIt’s here! The “never forget when to take out the trash in Columbus, OH” app is now up and running! Columbus resident and home owner, Dwight Scott, has developed TrashGo. Scott grew weary of forgetting to put the trash out and forgetting garbage collection times. TrashGo sends residents a reminder about their collection day the night before, allowing for plenty of advance notice. Want your reminder? Click here

Garbage Collection Alerts

Columbus has long used a color-coded system to designate which days certain residents will have garbage pick up. However, procedural policies can sometimes create confusion, especially when it comes to holidays. Garbage day always gets moved back a day after the nine observed holidays. End the confusion with TrashGo. Does TrashGo work for recycling? Not yet. TrashGo is waiting for the final phase of the Columbus recycling program to take effect. Once this occurs TrashGo will will sync up their alert schedule with the city recycling schedule. In the meantime, interested residents can follow TrashGo on Twitter for alerts on recycling, garbage and all related updates.

Thank you to columbusbestblog for reporting on the TrashGo app. For big jobs with lots of garbage or waste, rent a dumpster from Frog Hauling. We are a local, environmentally friendly company that cares about Columbus.

Posted in Recycling Columbus, Trash Hauling